Sanaghagara Waterfall (0.5 Kms away from Sanaghagara Nature Camp)
Sana Ghagara Water Fall is located in the Keonjhar district at a distance of about 0.5 K.Ms from Sanaghagara Nature Camps. The area is spread over 488 Ha. and the height of Waterfall is 12 meter.
Badaghagara Waterfall (3 Kms away from Sanaghagara Nature Camp)
Badaghagra waterfall is located in the Keonjhar district at a distance of about 3 K.Ms from Sanaghagara Nature Camp. A most spectacular waterfall situated amidst in a lush green forest environment. The waterfall enjoys a unique characteristics of 100 feet height inside the dense forest area to the much delight of tourists.
Gonasika & Guptaganga (26 Kms away from Sanaghagara Nature Camp)
Gonasika Temple of Brahmeswar Mahadev is established by the side of river Baitarni by Creator Brahma himself . Perennial river Baitarni is originated here through two nostrils of a cow. The river soon goes underground and re-emerges to be collected inside Brahma Kunda for which it is known as Guptaganga. The spot is at a distance of 26 km from Sanaghagara Nature Camp.
Khandadhar Waterfall (53 Kms away from Sanaghagara Nature Camp)
It is one of the best water fall near Keonjhar town featuring and a distance of around 53 km from Sanaghagara Nature Camp which will definitely rejuvenate your soul. It is 152 metre high sword like falls, hidden in medium dense forest. The most attracting sight is the two layer rainbow which is formed at the base of the water fall.
Kanjhari Dam (29 Kms away from Sanaghagara Nature Camp)
Kanjhari Irrigation Project is a reservoir scheme across Kanjhari nallah, a tributary of river Baitarani to provide irrigation. The project is located near village Chaka in Keonjhar block of Keonjhar district and a distance about 29 Kms from Sanaghagara Nature Camp.
Sitabinji (37 Kms away from Sanaghagara Nature Camp)
Sitabinji, famous for fresco paintings on a Rock Shelter called Ravan Chhaya, lies at a distance of 37 Kms from Sanaghagara Nature Camp. The local people associate the cave with Sita and her sons, Lava and Kusa. The inscribed boulders are also connected with many stories and traditions. The name Sitabinji may have originated from Sita, now worshipped in the cave, or from the name of the rivulet flowing close-by which is also called Sita. 
Tarini Tample, Ghatagaon (37 Kms away from Sanaghagara Nature Camp)
Ghatagaon Maa Tarini is a place of famous pilgrimage centre of Odisha. A distance of about 52 K.Ms from Sanaghagara Nature Camps. 
Murgamahadev Tample (37 Kms away from Sanaghagara Nature Camp)
Murga Mahadev Temple stands majestically at the foot of Thakurani Hills is an important tourist spot in the district. A distance of about 77 K.Ms from Sanaghagara Nature Camps. Its famous for its nature and beautiful waterfall. Its water is very cold. Maa durga is situated upper of this waterfall.
Community Centre, Kanjipani (37 Kms away from Sanaghagara Nature Camp)
Trail of Kanjipani Ghati spread over 20 km long along NH-49 which offers unique experience to the natural lovers above 610 meter high ghat. The winter temperature goes to -00 C while clouds touches the valley during the rainy season. A distance of about 24 Kms from Sanaghagara Nature Camp.
Gundichaghai Waterfall
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