Bhitarkanika Welcomes You !!!

Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park is known as the “ Mini-Amazon” of India. Lying on the coast of Bay of Bengal, it is the second largest Mangrove ecosystem of our country after Sundarbans. Dangamal Nature Camp, Habalikhati and Gupti Nature Camps are located inside Bhitarkanika with luxurious accommodations and different choices of cuisine and delicacies. World’s largest congregation of Salt Water Crocodiles are seen in the creeks of Bhitarkanika. Sighting of Crocodiles, Spotted Deers, Wild pigs and thousands of colorful birds including winter migrants from central-Asia and Europe is very common here. Eco-tourists can see lakhs of water birds visiting Bagagahana- heronery near Suajore creek from the month of August to October every year. More than 10 species of Herons are seen nesting on thousands of trees. Most of the Birds are Asian Open Bill, Black Ibis, Cormorants, Darters etc. View of Bottle-Nose Dolphin’s, Irrawady Dolphin’s and Finless Porpoise Dolphin’s from different beaches of Bhitarkanika is worth watching. Popular beaches of Bhitarkanika are Habalikhati Beach, Gahirmatha and Pentha Beach. It is also the land of streams, creeks, rivers and estuaries.
Visitors can make night stays in luxurious rooms of Dangamal Nature Camp. Eco-tourists have to hire a boat from Gupti/Khola to reach Dangamal. On the glittering white sandy beach, Habalikhati Nature Camp, a beach resort, offers you 9 nos of comfortable rooms facing the sea with all modern facilities. Habalikhati is one of the pristine and unexplored beaches of India. Visitors can see hundreds of Dolphin’s marching in sea. Tourists have to hire boat from Gupti and take 2:30 hrs boat ride along creeks to reach Habalikhati Nature Camp. Gupti Nature Camp, inside the forests of Bhitarkanika and on the banks of river Patasala has 6 luxury accommodations for night stay. It is the Entry Point to Bhitarkanika Sanctuary. All Nature Camps have their own catering and serve food which is include in the package.

=> Boating/ Birding/ Sports/Trekking/Dolphin Watch/ Star Gazing.
Dolphin Watch
Asian Water Moniter
Colourful Crabs

More than ninety variety of mangroves and its associates are found here. The pneumatophores, better known as breathing roots are another attraction for the tourists visiting the nature Camps. Bounded by rivers on the three sides and the sea on the fourth, Bhitarkanika is criss- crossed by numerous creeks and canals which finally meet the sea and make the estuarine delta. When the tide enters, the forest floats and the water touches the foliage. As it recedes, the multi layer mud flats on the banks of the creeks gets exposed with different variety of wildlife. The Hawksbill and leatherback turtles, Bibron's softshelled turtle, salt water crocodiles, King Cobra, Sambar, Chital, Fishing cats, Leopard cats, Mudskippers, Limulus crab etc. are common to the landscape. Bhitarkanika is Bird’s paradise. More than 170 species of resident and migratory birds, six species of Kingfishers and many more also are seen in large flocks. The beauty lies in its unique natural surroundings. Tide marks on the soil, footprints of wildlife under the unbroken canopy offers splendid view of nature. It is only Marine Sanctuary of the state and is the world’s most important nesting location for Olive Ridleys. Every month of the year brings a unique experience for the visitor, Whether you are a naturalist or wildlife enthusiast, Bhitarkanika is all set to entertain and enthrall you. Stay in Bhitarkanika is once in a lifetime experience to cherish !!