Nearby Destinations:


1. Lord Jagannath Temple, Koraput is located 60 Km away from Eco-Tourism Complex.

2. Lord Gupteswar Temple, Koraput is located 145Km away from Eco-Tourism Complex.

3. Raniduduma Waterfall (Nandapur) is about 70 Km away from Eco- Tourism Cottage.

4. Nageswari cave (Balda) is about 80 Km away from Eco- Tourism Cottage.

5. Dudumaa Waterfall (Machkund) is about 135 Km away from Eco- Tourism Cottage.

6. Ketchel Reservoir is about 72Km away from Eco-Tourism Cottage.

7. Kolab Reservoir is about 82Km away from Ecotourism Cottage.

8. Punjisil (Podagada) is about 80Km away from Eco-Tourism Cottage.

9. NALCO (Damanjodi) is about 50Km away from Eco-Tourism Cottage.

10. HAL, Sunabeda is about 45Km away from Eco-Tourism Cottage.

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    Closure of Bhitarkanika National Park & Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary for Breeding and nesting Of Estuarine Crocodile and closure of online booking from 1 May 2025 to 31sd July-2025